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The West Trans truck yard was an excellent project to work on. We completed all bulk earth work utilizing both off road articulated haulers as well as large D6 and D8 push dozers to cut and fill the site efficiently. Storm water management was extremely important on this site as once developed a significant amount of water is generated over such a large area. The use of gabion stone to retain material in the spill ways ensures that long term the sediment ponds will require less maintenance and cleaning for our client.

When it came to constructing the parking lots we utilized recycled concrete and asphalt products to reduce cost while improving the stability of the lots under the heavy truck traffic that this site has be built to handle.

In addition to the above we also designed and installed a commercial grade septic system. On this site to meet treatment levels while reducing the need for space we utilized a Waterloo Biofilter Tertiary Treatment system. This option saved money by reducing material volumes as well as left the client with the space to meet parking requirements.

Not just an earth work and septic system installation company we also completed the installation of the yard lighting and camera system, concrete pads and sidewalks, hydro trenching and concrete encasement, as well as the installation of all pipe and structures for storm water management.

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SINCE 1969.